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- Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching
- HKUST Center for the Arts
- HKUST 4-Year Degree Planning
- HKUST Academic Development Proposal 2012-15
- 334 Symposium on Common Core Curriculum
  4th Symposium on General Education Hosted by CUHK on 3 June 2009
  3rd Symposium on Core Curriculum Co-hosted by HKU and Lingnan Univ on 12 May 2009
- CUHK (Office of University General Education)
- HKU (Common Core Curriculum)
- HKU (General Education)
- PolyU (General Education Centre)
- LingnanU (Core Curriculum and General Education Office)
- CityU (General Education)
- HKIEd (General Education)
- HKBU (Complementary Studies Programme)