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Common Core Requirements for Students Admitted in 2012-13 (4Y programs)


The Requirements

The general education component of the 4-Year undergraduate degree curriculum is stated as a set of common core requirements. Students need to take a specified number of credits from the following common core areas, totaling 36 credits:

Common Core Area Credits
School-Sponsored Courses (SSC) 9 *
Humanities (H) 3
Social Analysis (SA) 3
Science and Technology (S&T) 3
Quantitative Reasoning (QR) 3
English Communication 6 **
Chinese Communication 3
Healthy Lifestyle Non-credit
Core Electives
6 ***
Total credits required 36

* 3 credits each from S&T SSCs, SA SSCs, and H SSCs
** Must be taken in the first year of study
*** To be selected from S&T, SA, H, QR, or Arts common core courses

All undergraduates will complete the same set of requirements regardless of their major discipline of study. They are expected to complete the majority of the common core credits in Year 1 and 2. The 6 credits of English Communication are to be taken in Year 1.

Completing the requirements

Students complete the common core requirement by selecting courses from the set of courses listed for the respective common core area, and complete them in the academic year in which they are so listed. Changes may be made to the common core course lists from year to year; as a result, some courses may be added to the list and some removed.

Before course registration, students should check the list of common core courses and school-sponsored courses to ensure that they are selecting the current set of courses to satisfy the common core requirement. Students may also find out from these lists whether a course taken in previous years can be used to satisfy the common core requirements.

Other rules also apply. Click here for details.