Professor James Wong
Division of Social Science
Course Taught: SOSC 3520 Understanding Comparative Politics

Mention political analysis and to many it conjures up theoretical frameworks and academic concepts far removed from real life. Talk to students of SOSC 3520 and you are likely to become engaged in a lively, informed discussion, peppered with novel ideas that look critically at topical issues from multiple perspectives. How has this distinctive outlook come about? Thanks to Prof. James Wong, who brilliantly demonstrates the difference that inspiring teaching can make.

To James, teaching forms an “indispensable part of his intellectual life”. This, together with his belief that students deserve to enjoy the best possible experience during their academic journeys and a willingness to listen to feedback, leads to continuous enhancement to facilitate learning.

James successfully transformed SOSC 3520 from lecture-based presentations and closed-book exams into an interactive, activity-oriented class – one that optimizes its Common Core enrollment from diverse cohorts, academic fields, and backgrounds to motivate students and achieve intended learning outcomes.

Always striving for “authenticity” and “inclusiveness”, values that drive his teaching philosophy, James has proved unafraid to embrace unconventional approaches. Guided by case pedagogy, class participants now explore fundamental political questions and develop respect for different points of view through scenarios involving role play or objective commentary, discussion, and by working together. They connect the concepts and methodologies underpinning comparative politics to real-world contexts. They gain understanding and appreciation of the variety of political regimes, actors, and institutions around the world, adding to their insights as global citizens.

Such moves have been assisted by using e-platforms to build participation and interaction. Multifaceted assessment ranging from essays and a group project to quizzes and peer commentary evaluates not only knowledge but also skills in critical analysis and communication of opinions. Meanwhile, James’ detailed, timely, and constructive feedback after each activity and assessment continually improves capabilities and confidence.

That students applaud James’ passion and commitment is abundantly clear. Recent comments highlight his enthusiasm, the engaging nature of the class, and his ability to propel forward capabilities to “think, present, and write about politics critically from multiple angles, pushing the boundaries of students’ minds”.

With his successful quest to spark a love of learning, zeal for broadening teaching horizons, and commitment to on-going development, James undoubtedly represents an outstanding model of a Common Core educator and a deserving recipient of the 2022 Common Core Teaching Excellence Award.

Professor Naubahar Sharif
Division of Public Policy
Course Taught: PPOL 2110 Science, Technology and Society in China

Knowledge-building takes on a holistic form in PPOL 2110 under the empathetic guidance of Prof. Naubahar Sharif. Going way beyond the delivery of essential facts, figures, and concepts, Naubahar strives to create an educational partnership with students that not only spurs a thirst for learning but catalyzes new skills and attitudes they can subsequently apply in their lives.

Naubahar successfully implements one of the central ideas informing his teaching: to put himself in his students’ shoes to help them achieve academic and personal development through his classes. As feedback shows, he has certainly accomplished this in PPOL 2110.

Over four engaging, invigorating modules, Naubahar employs an array of materials that gradually advance from foundational to challenging, and a well-designed mix of assessment activities. Students learn to fathom how science, technology, and public policy are interwoven into society in China and in relation to the West, both historically and in today’s world. With participants usually drawn from different disciplines and often including a large percentage of international students, the thoughtful content also caters to diverse backgrounds and educational goals.

Adopting a blended-learning mode to deliver materials and supported by different digital platforms and technologies, Naubahar empowers class members to self-direct part of their studies via pre-recorded course videos. The flexibility enables them to build up their knowledge base when and where they choose – a good introduction to lifelong learning. Meanwhile, face-to-face interactive tutorials, small-group discussions, and debates involving the whole class drive forward critical thinking, encourage questions to be raised, and deepen awareness of the need for constructive, sensitive opinion-sharing.

While demanding in terms of time and dedication, Naubahar’s partnership approach is highly effective, according to student evaluations. Participants appreciate the high-quality course videos he produces, note their greater capability to evaluate the impact of science and technology on society following the course, and recognize their improved skills to analyze and express thoughts and concerns.

In motivating his students to move from passive to active lifelong learners, and increasing their all-round knowledge in their studies and in life, Naubahar clearly shows why he is deserving of his Honorary Mention for excellence as a Common Core course educator.

Common Core Teaching Excellence Award Recipients

2022 Award Recipients

The Common Core Teaching Excellence Award

Professor James Wong
Division of Social Science
Course Taught: SOSC 3520 Understanding Comparative Politics


The Honorary Mention

Professor Naubahar Sharif
Division of Public Policy
Course Taught: PPOL 2110 Science, Technology and Society in China


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