Committee on Undergraduate Core Education
Terms of reference
- To advise and make recommendations to the Committee on Undergraduate Studies on policies and regulations, and to monitor and review procedures, quality and performance relating to the university core curriculum in the four-year undergraduate degree programs, including, but not limited to:
- Developing policies and regulations relating to the core curriculum of the four-year undergraduate degree programs
- Developing guiding principles, criteria and learning outcomes for common core courses consistent with the objectives of the university core curriculum;
- Reviewing and approving courses for inclusion in the University Common Core Program;
- Coordinating and providing an overview of the offering of courses and activities for the university core curriculum;
- Monitoring and reviewing periodically the quality of common core courses and the University Common Core Program under a quality assurance framework
- Recommending implementation and other support for the university core curriculum.
- To oversee the provision of general education in three-year undergraduate programs during the transition period from three-year to four-year undergraduate programs
- To co-opt such additional voting members as may be required but not exceeding one-third of formal membership of the Committee;
- To form any working groups as considered necessary
Appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies, on the recommendation of the Provost
Secretary and Member:
Academic Director of the Undergraduate Core Education, Office of Academic Quality and Undergraduate Studies, ex officio
- One representative each from the Schools of Science, Engineering, and Business & Management appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies in consultation with the Deans
- One representative from each of the two Divisions of the School of Humanities and Social Science appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies in consultation with the Dean of Humanities and Social Science
- One representative from the Center for Language Education appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies in consultation with the Dean of Humanities and Social Science
- One non-Freshman student nominated by the HKUST Students’ Union and appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies
- One member of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies
Resource Persons
Dean of Students, or nominee
Director of Academic Records and Registration
For the student member, one year, renewable
For others, two years, renewable