Credit TransferTransfer of Credits into the Common Core Applications for transferring credits into the Common Core are processed through the Academic Registry. Transfer of credits can be in form of course-credit transfer, where a transferred course is equivalent to a specific course in the HKUST course catalog; or credit-only transfer, where only credits are transferred. Transfer credits granted will not be included in the calculation of grade averages. Credit Transfer on Entry Transfer of credits may be granted to students in recognition of studies completed prior to admission to HKUST, provided that students’ prior study is disclosed in their applications for admission. A few types of credits will be granted without the need of an application and students will be informed of the transfer by email in their first term of study. Details are available from Credit Transfer (Undergraduate Studies - UG) of the Academic Registry webpage. Credit Transfer During Study Students completing studies elsewhere during their study at HKUST may apply for credit transfer. Those who plan to take courses elsewhere which have not been approved before may apply for assessment for new course mappings before the actual study. Application procedures are published on Credit Transfer (Undergraduate Studies - UG) of the Academic Registry webpage. |