Committee on Undergraduate Core Education

The Committee on Undergraduate Core Education (CUCE) is responsible for advising and making recommendations to the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (CUS) on common core policies and regulations, and for monitoring and reviewing procedures, quality and performance relating to the university common core curriculum in the undergraduate degree programs. It also reports to the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning Quality (CTLQ) on quality assurance (QA) arrangements and the evaluation of the implementation of these measures.

CUCE Terms of Reference and Membership List
CUCE Meeting Agenda and Minutes (Restricted)

Undergraduate Core Education Team

The Undergraduate Core Education (UCE) team provides administrative and executive support to the Committee on Undergraduate Core Education (CUCE) in common core course administration and promotion of university core education. It also supports and coordinates the quality assurance activities of the Common Core Program.

The team is administratively structured under the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS), and is headed by the Academic Director.

UCE Staff

Prof Sai Lok NAM
Academic Director (Undergraduate Core Education)
2358 6135
Ms Loretta TAM
Head (Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program)
2358 8738
Ms Theresa TAM
Assistant Director
2358 5795
Miss Phoebe MOK
Education Development Manager
2358 6297
Ms Aerica LEE
2358 5089
Ms Jessica LAI
Assistant Manager
2358 6310
Miss Vivian LAM
Assistant Officer
3469 3074
Ms Yui YAU
Assistant Officer
2358 5793

Address & General Inquiry