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Committee on Undergraduate Core Education



Members List (As of February 2013):

Chairman: Prof Michael K. Y. WONG

Secretary and Member: Prof King L. CHOW

Prof Yue Kuen KWOK (Department of Mathematics, Science School Representative)
Mr Will LEE (BBA Year 2 Student, Student Representative)
Prof Hong Kam LO (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering School Representative)
Prof Emily NASON (Department of Management, Business School Representative)
Prof T. K. NG (Department of Physics, Member of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies)
Prof Ming SING (Division of Social Science, Humanities & Social Science School Representative)
Prof Billy SO (Division of Humanities, Humanities & Social Science School Representative)
Dr Keith TONG (Center for Language Education Representative)

Resource Persons:
Prof Kar Yan TAM (Associate Provost and Dean of Students)
Mr Robert K. BRASHEAR (Director of Academic Records and Registration)