The Common Core Course Excellence Award is presented each year
to recognize excellent common core courses and
to honor the instructional teams
who have contributed substantially to the development and delivery of these courses
All students, alumni, faculty and staff are cordially invited to
the Award Presentation Ceremony
to celebrate the success of these common core courses
8 May 2014 (Thursday)
12:00 - 1:00pm
Ping Yuen and Kinmay W Tang Gallery
Lee Shau Kee Library, HKUST
All are welcome
2013 Award
Technology and Innovation:
Social and Business Perspectives
(ISOM 1380)
Offered by the Department of Information Systems,
Business Statistics and Operations Management
Instructional Team:
Prof Yongsuk Kim, Prof Jeevan Jaisingh,
Prof Sejoon Hong and Mr Himson Wu
Officiating Guests
Prof Tony F CHAN
Prof K. Y. Michael WONG
Chairman, Committee on Undergraduate Core Education |